Hadzhinov George Ignatovich

74Born November 22, 1922 in S. Ullah (now Donetsk region). Graduated From The Kharkov
art Institute (1958). Teachers in the profession: A. Lyubim, V. Sizikov, I. Carp.
Painter. A member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Participated in exhibitions since 1960.
Major works: “Portrait advanced welder L. Lysenko” (1960), “Spring” (1961), “Landlords burn” (on motives of a poem of T. G. Shevchenko “Haydamaky”) (1961), “Waiting” (1964),
“On Stromelysin” (1967), “Portrait of a miner” (1969) and others.
Lived and worked in Lugansk.